About IDD Services at Interact
The mission of Interact’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services is to create, promote, and provide access to quality supports and services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities that foster choice in everyday lives, meaningful personal relationships with family and friends, participation in their communities, and dignity and respect as valued citizens.
Interact helps individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities live their lives to the fullest of their potential by supporting them to be fully integrated members of the community. We provide residential services in our community homes, and employment supports through a community integrated employment program.
Accomplishments for a person with intellectual disability are measured in small steps rather than major strides. Ordinary activities of daily living that the rest of us take for granted can be major accomplishments for people living with intellectual disability.
Our services are designed to support each individual to live in the community and actively engage in their areas of interest. Whether an individual’s goal is to have a job, be able to take public transportation or go shopping on their own, or participate in activities such as going to church, scouting, or the YMCA, we are there to support them.
Through community integration, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities are able to achieve their potential. Community integration has the added benefit of giving those unfamiliar with people with intellectual/developmental disabilities the chance to discover that they are just like every other community member.
We invite you to explore these pages and learn more about the services we provide and how we impact the lives of the people we serve.