Did you know that by the time teenagers are in 12th grade, about two-thirds of students have tried alcohol, and about half of 9th through 12 graders have used marijuana. Among 12th graders, close to 2 in 10 reported using prescription medicine without having a prescription. The substance use issue in adolescents cannot be ignored, as using substances at this early age can impact their emotional, mental, and cognitive well-being. For example, the risks of substance use among teens can affect their growth and development, especially their brain development. Additionally and importantly, using substances as a teenager can lead to the development of adult health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep disorders. If your child is using substances, it is never too late to get them help! Early intervention for substance use is essential for maintaining sobriety and clean time, and can prevent future occurrences of substance use from happening. Engaging in counseling is an evidence-based and frontline treatment for treating individuals with substance use issues, including teenagers.
If you or someone you know has the concerns stated above, there are many options available, including professional counseling and assessment services. Please call us at (215) 487-1330 or email us at Greenridge@intercommunityaction.org for more information about our counseling services.
Author: Kelsey Dailey, M.S.